Health and welfare

Health and welfare

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  1. Lower income brackets have shorter healthy life expectancy
  2. Most satisfied and a tad overweight
  3. Over 300 000 people defaulting on their health insurance payments
  4. Living a happy, healthy and satisfying life
  5. Financial position care-providing institutions often precarious
  6. Older people often suffer from multiple diseases
  7. Overweight and underweight people more often depressive
  8. Infant mortality highest among first-generation non-westerners
  9. Breast cancer mortality higher
  10. Dutch cancer mortality rate relatively high
  11. On average, 65-year-old men have 11 healthy years ahead of them
  12. Health care costs in the Netherlands just under EU average
  13. Most people in the Netherlands live within 5 km from a hospital facility
  14. Private accident most common cause of non-natural death
  15. More men murdered in 2008
  16. No further increase in medical aids
  17. Care-providing institutions in the red after introduction Wmo
  18. Growing number of skin cancer-related hospital admissions
  19. Municipalities budget 2.6 billion euro for individual care
  20. Most people have their GP close by
  21. Expenditure on care 6.2 percent up
  22. People more concerned about losing their jobs
  23. More people defaulting on health insurance payments
  24. Dramatic decline fatal road accidents in 2008
  25. More than 170 thousand people have no health insurance
  26. Older singles more often unhealthy
  27. 4 percent in Dutch population suffer from diabetes mellitus
  28. Improvement in healthy lifestyle stagnating
  29. Number of hospital admissions for pneumonia and acute bronchitis doubled since 1981
  30. More health care provided with fewer hospital beds
  31. Fewer women give birth at home
  32. Healthy life expectancy higher
  33. Cancer number one cause of death in 2008
  34. 800 thousand adults have dental implants
  35. Difficult groups in survey research and the development of tailor-made approach strategies
  36. Strong increase in mental health care