An increasing number of Dutch people have completed higher education

© Hollandse Hoogte / Robin Utrecht
In 2023, among those aged 15 to 74 years, 37 percent had a diploma in secondary vocational education (MBO-2, 3 or 4), senior general secondary education (HAVO) or pre-university education (VWO) as their highest educational qualification. Nearly as many (36 percent) had completed higher education (HBO or university), while 26 percent had completed prevocational secondary education (VMBO), MBO-1 or primary education only. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports this in its latest edition of The Netherlands in Numbers.

What is the level of education in the Netherlands?37.0%36.4%Higher education 28.3%40.3%Primary education, basic secondary vocational education 29.4%26.0%20132023Do not know, not known 0.6%2.1% Do not know, not known

Over the last decade, more Dutch people have been attending higher vocational education (HBO) or university. In 2013, 28 percent of people aged 15 to 74 had a HBO or university diploma, but in 2023 that share was 36 percent. Conversely, the percentage with a secondary education diploma from HAVO, VWO or MBO as their highest educational qualification dropped over the same period. As a result, both of these groups were approximately the same size in 2023.

Highest level of education achieved
JaarPrimary education, VMBO, MBO-1 (% of people aged 15-74)HAVO, VWO, MBO-2-4 (% of people aged 15-74)HBO, university (% of people aged 15-74)Do not know or not known (% of people aged 15-74)

More women have completed higher education than men

In 2023, more women than men had a degree from HBO or university. Among women, the largest group (37 percent) had a degree from higher education, while among men the largest group (38 percent) had a secondary education diploma from MBO, HAVO or VWO as their highest educational qualification.

In 2013 this situation was the other way around: more men than women had a degree from higher education (HBO or university). At that time, women were more likely to have a diploma from MBO, HAVO or VWO as their highest educational qualification. In 2013, women were also more likely to have primary school as their highest educational qualification, or a VMBO or MBO-1 diploma than in 2023.

Highest level of education achieved, by gender
jaargeslachtPrimary education, VMBO, MBO-1 (% people aged 15-74)HAVO, VWO, MBO-2-4 (% people aged 15-74)HBO, university (% people aged 15-74)Do not know or not known (% people aged 15-74)

More young people in HBO and university than ever before

In the past, it was quite common for young people to leave school after finishing primary school. Among 65 to 74-year-olds, 41 percent had only completed primary school or a programme comparable to VMBO or MBO-1. Nowadays, however, it is more important to stay in education for longer, and more Dutch people have a degree from HBO or university. Of those aged 25 to 34, 54 percent have completed HBO or university education. Among young people aged 15 to 24 this share is lower, at 14 percent, because this age group is more likely to still be in the process of finishing their studies.

Highest level of education achieved, by age in 2023
leeftijdsgroepPrimary education, VMBO, MBO-1 (%)HAVO, VWO, MBO-2-4 (%)HBO, university (%)Do not know or not known (%)
15-24 yrs41.944.513.50.1
25-34 yrs10.734.554.20.5
35-44 yrs15.533.950.00.7
45-54 yrs19.937.841.50.8
55-64 yrs29.938.331.10.8
65-74 yrs40.832.726.00.6