Tourism expenditure

Tourists are people who travel to and stay in places outside their usual environment. In addition, the main purpose of the trip may not include an activity that is paid for at the destination.

Tourism expenditure can be defined as ‘total spending by tourists or for the benefit of tourists before, during and after the trip including their stay at the destination’.

Spending by tourists from other countries comprises tourist spending by non-residents with Dutch businesses. In addition to spending by tourists from other countries who travel to the Netherlands, this includes spending by non-residents who are travelling to a final destination other than the Netherlands, but who spend money with Dutch businesses or service providers. Examples include online bookings for hotels and flights with a Dutch organisation.

Durable recreational goods are items used mainly for recreational purposes (such as caravans, camping gear and sports equipment). These can be reused multiple times and therefore cannot be definitively assigned to a certain type of tourist or tourism.