Nearly a quarter of Dutch population use AI programs such as ChatGPT

© Hollandse Hoogte / ANP
In 2024, a total of 23 percent of people in the Netherlands aged 12 years and above have created texts, videos or images using artificial intelligence (AI) programs such as ChatCPT. People aged between 18-24 years are the most likely to have done so. Almost 90 percent of people have one or more ‘smart’ devices or systems, such as a smart lighting system, security system or household appliances. The use of these technologies has more than doubled in the past two years. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports these findings based on a survey of ICT usage among households and individuals conducted in 2024.

As well as young adults, those aged 25-34 years were also relatively likely (41 percent) to have used ChatGPT or another AI program to create or edit texts, videos or images. Those aged 75 and over were the least likely to have done so (1 percent). Men are slightly more likely to use artificial intelligence than women: 27 percent versus 20 percent.

Share of people who use AI programs¹⁾, by age group, 2024
Kenmerk2024 (%)
(over 12 yrs)
12-17 yrs34.0
18-24 yrs48.7
25-34 yrs41.5
35-44 yrs27.6
45-54 yrs21.0
55-64 yrs12.1
65-74 yrs5.2
75 yrs and older1.3
¹⁾ Such as ChatGPT.

People with higher education degree are more likely to use ChatGPT

Of those who have graduated from higher education (HBO or university), 34 percent have used ChatGPT or a similar program, compared with 19 percent of those who have completed at most secondary education such as HAVO, VWO or MBO, and 16 percent among those with at most primary education or VMBO. The group that is the most likely to use ChatGPT are 18 to 24-year-olds who have graduated from higher education, at 60 percent.

Ownership of ‘smart’ household devices has increased

In 2024, 89 percent of the population of the Netherlands say they have one or more ‘smart’ devices or systems at home; in 2020, the share was 81 percent. A total of 63 percent have a smart water meter, gas meter or electricity meter at home that can be read remotely. Over four in ten use a virtual assistant (such as Siri, Google Home, Amazon Alexa, Bixby) that can be controlled using an app or a smart speaker.

Smart devices and systems in the home
IOT2024 (% people using this device or system (over 12 yrs))2022 (% people using this device or system (over 12 yrs))2020 (% people using this device or system (over 12 yrs))
Smart television636053
Smart water, gas or
electricity meter
Virtual assistant via an app,
audio system or smart speaker
Smart thermostat312527
Lighting, smart power point or
other smart domestic systems
Smoke alarm, security camera or
other smart security systems
Smart household
devices and appliances

Popularity of smart gadgets is growing

In 2024, 57 percent of people in the Netherlands had one or more smart accessories, such as a smart watch, fitness tracker, wireless headphones or other wearables. In 2022, that share was 51 percent. More people (22 percent) also have a car with a built-in internet connection than in 2022 (17 percent). The number of people using smart health devices, such as a blood pressure monitor, toothbrush or bathroom scales is also increasing.

Use of smart accessories
IOT2024 (% people using this accessory (over 12 yrs))2022 (% people using this accessory (over 12 yrs))2020 (% people using this accessory (over 12 yrs))
Smart accessories575117
Car with built-in
internet connection
Smart health
Toy with internet

1 in 5 experience problems when using smart devices

Some 17 percent of users have experienced problems when installing, setting up or connecting their smart devices. A smaller group of people (4 percent) reported security or privacy issues because a device or system had been hacked or because data had been shared without their consent.

Not everybody sees the need for smart technology

Although the use of smart devices is increasing, not everybody is convinced they are necessary. Of those who said they do not use smart devices or systems at home, 83 percent said this was because they do not feel the need. The high cost and concerns about privacy and security were also named by over 20 percent of respondents as reasons for not having smart (household) devices.