Differentiated waste collection pricing

Differentiated waste collection pricing involves waste collection fees that are made up of a fixed component and a variable component. The fixed component is the same for everyone within the municipality. This covers the cost of installing, running and managing public facilities, such as collection trucks, bins, underground containers, etc. The variable component is based on the number of times a particular person or household leaves a container full of waste to be collected, or deposits residual waste in an underground container. A fee per bag or container is applied.

The aim of this is to incentivise waste separation. A great deal of residual waste is made up of reusable materials. Waste that is separated can be reused, reducing the need for new raw materials. The proper separation of waste is better for the environment. Differentiated waste collection pricing is also fairer. People who separate their waste properly are ‘rewarded’, while people who produce more residual waste pay more.