Accompanying family migrants

In the tables, family migrants are subdivided into those who travel to the Netherlands in order to accompany a labour, study or asylum migrant who has also travelled to the Netherlands or was already living in the Netherlands. In order to determine this, the extent to which the relevant migrant can be assigned to a particular ‘reference person’ is assessed for each family migrant, based on the registration data available to CBS. CBS determines the reference person of family migrants using its own derivation method; no IND data are used for this purpose.

The reference person may be a partner, parent or child of the family migrant and hold either EU or non-EU nationality. Based on the reference person’s own migration motive, it is determined to what extent the family migrant has migrated to accompany a reference person whose own migration motive was work, study or asylum. Family migrants whose reference person has a different migration motive, who was born in the Netherlands or has Dutch nationality, or from whom no reference person could be derived, are assigned to the category of Family: other.
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