State pension age

The age at which citizens of the Netherlands are entitled to the state pension (based on the AOW (General Old Age Pension Act)). Under the AOW, the state pension age is linked to projected life expectancy, allowing it to be modified in the future. According to the AOW Act, the state pension entitlement begins at the age of 67 in 2024. The state pension age is set at 67 years until the year 2027. In 2028, it will be 67 years and 3 months. The Minister of Social Affairs and Employment determines the state pension age five years in advance on the basis of the life expectancy forecast for 65-year-olds. Under current legislation, with effect from 2025, the state pension age will increase by 8 months for every one year increase in life expectancy. For this Outlook, the state pension age in each scenario was calculated to 2050, based on the life expectancy associated with each variant. The expected state pension age is higher in scenarios with relatively high life expectancy (such as the Grey scenario) than in scenarios with relatively low life expectancy (such as the Green scenario).