Population of the Caribbean Netherlands up by nearly a thousand in 2023

On 1 January 2024, the population of the Caribbean Netherlands stood at 30,397. That was an increase of 979 (3 percent) over the previous year. The increase was largely due to population growth on Bonaire, mainly as a result of migration. On Saba, the population also grew due to an increase in net immigration. On St. Eustatius, however, net migration was negative. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports this on the basis of newly released figures.

Bonaire’s population up by over a thousand in 2023

On 1 January 2024, the population of Bonaire stood at 25,133 inhabitants, which was 1,043 more (4 percent) than one year previously. This was mainly due to the fact that many more people came to live on the island than departed (941), and to a limited extent because of natural population growth (98, births minus deaths). The number of people on Bonaire who were born outside the Caribbean Netherlands rose by more than 1,000. This was mainly due to more residents who were born in the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Venezuela and the European Netherlands.

Population dynamics on Bonaire, 2023Population dynamics on Bonaire, 2023 *Incl. other corrections Births Emigration Immigration Deaths Growth* Population dynamics on Bonaire, 2023 237 933 1874 139 + 1043
Population dynamics on Bonaire, 2023
Population dynamics Bonaire
Births 237
Deaths 139
Immigration 1 874
Emigration 933
Growth (incl. other corrections) 1 043

Population of St Eustatius decreased by 89

On 1 January 2024, St Eustatius had 3,204 inhabitants; a year-on-year decline of 89 (3 percent). That was mainly due to more people leaving the island than settling there. Natural population growth was limited. The number of people living on St Eustatius who were born outside the Caribbean Netherlands decreased by 65. In particular, the number of people born in the European Netherlands, the United States and the Dominican Republic declined.

Population dynamics on St Eustatius, 2023Population dynamics on St Eustatius, 2023 *Incl. other corrections Population dynamics on St Eustatius, 2023 Births Emigration Immigration Deaths Growth* 30 168 17 - 89 269
Population dynamics on St Eustatius, 2023
Population dynamics St Eustatius
Births 30
Deaths 17
Immigration 168
Emigration 269
Growth (incl. other corrections) -89

Saba’s population increased by 25

The population of Saba stood at 2,060 on 1 January 2024. That was an increase of 25 (1 percent) over the previous year. More people came to live on the island than departed (60). Natural population growth was limited. The number of people on Saba born outside the Caribbean Netherlands rose by more than 34. These were mainly people born in Central and South America.

Population dynamics on Saba, 2023Population dynamics on Saba, 2023 *Incl. other corrections Population dynamics on Saba, 2023 Births Immigration Deaths Growth* Emigration 15 186 246 13 + 25
Population dynamics on Saba, 2023
Population dynamics Saba
Births 15
Deaths 13
Immigration 246
Emigration 186
Growth (incl. other corrections) 25