Ukrainian refugees
CBS bases the number of resident Ukrainian refugees on the Personal Records Database (BRP), as at 1 May 2023. The figures include Ukrainian refugees who arrived in the Netherlands as of 24 February 2022 (start of the war in Ukraine) and were still registered in the BRP on 1 May 2023. This population includes persons with Ukrainian nationality only. Persons with non-Ukrainian nationality, with Ukraine as the country of origin, and for whom the Temporary Protection Directive was discontinued as of 4 September 2023 are not included in the population. As persons may have left the Netherlands without deregistering, there may be an overestimation of the number of residents and thus an underestimation of the percentage of persons in work.
The employee data have been taken from the so-called Polisadministratie of the Employee Insurance Agency (UWV), which is based on all payroll tax returns filed with the Tax and Customs Administration. The data from this policy administration have been pseudonymised and have a reference date of 30 April. All Ukrainian refugees who are in paid employment in the Netherlands are included in the policy administration. The figures shown here are the result of linking the policy administration and the BRP. This way, the labour market position can be studied at personal level using characteristics from the BRP (e.g. sex and age).