Again more Ukrainian refugees in paid employment



An error was made in compiling the figures on which this news release was based. We apologise for this. Based on the corrected figures, part of the text under the heading ‘Flexible contracts and part-time work most common' has been revised. The corrected text is as follows:

Half work full-time, most have flexible contract

Most Ukrainian refugees were employed as on-call workers (28 percent), temporary workers (38 percent), or had other temporary employment (31 percent). Half (49 percent) worked full-time, i.e. 35 hours per week or more; 17 percent worked 30 to 35 hours.

The share of employees among refugees with Ukrainian nationality residing in the Netherlands has increased further this year. On 1 May 2023, half of the approximately 68 thousand refugees aged 15 to 64 years had paid work. This was still 44 percent on 1 November 2022. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports this on the basis of newly released figures.

Ukrainian refugees who came to the Netherlands after the Russian invasion in late February 2022 do not need a work permit to work. This puts them in an exceptional position compared to other migrants from outside the European Union or countries of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA).

Ukrainian refugees in paid employment (15-64 yrs), 1 May 2023
 LeeftijdEmployees (%)
Total15-24 yrs44
Total25-44 yrs54
Total45-64 yrs47
Men15-24 yrs41
Men25-44 yrs55
Men45-64 yrs45
Women15-24 yrs45
Women25-44 yrs54
Women45-64 yrs48

Sharpest increase among women

The share of Ukrainian refugees in paid employment rose most sharply among women, from 44 percent in November 2022 to 51 percent in May 2023. The increase was smallest among young men (aged 15 to 24 years) over this period: from 38 to 41 percent.

Flexible contracts and part-time work most common

Most Ukrainian refugees were employed as on-call workers (28 percent), temporary workers (38 percent), or had other temporary employment (31 percent). The largest proportion worked part-time: mostly 30 to 35 hours per week (29 percent); 18 percent worked full-time (35 hours or more).

The majority of Ukrainian refugees were employed in the business services sector (51 percent), which includes employment agencies. It is often impossible to verify in which sector temporary employees are being deployed. Apart from business services, comparatively many Ukrainian refugees also worked in the sector trade, transport and accommodation and food services (31 percent).

Ukrainian refugees in paid employment changed employers relatively often. Of those who were in employment both on 1 July 2022 and on 1 May 2023, 39 percent changed employers in the meantime.