Official estimate
The figures presented in this news release are the first estimate over 2022 for the government sector, conducted by CBS.
Figures over 2021 have been adjusted in this release relative to previous publications. New information on the budgets of central government and social security funds has been incorporated into the figures in this news release. On the expenditure side, the most important changes were: in total 2.6 billion euros in adjustment of the subsidies under the Emergency Measure for the Preservation of Jobs (NOW) and Reimbursement Fixed Costs (TVL), a -1.7 billion euro adjustment of the SDE subsidies to promote sustainable energy; and a -0.9 billion adjustment of care expenditure by the National Health Care Institute. On the revenue side, the most important adjustments concerned the total of taxes and statutory social security contributions receivable as a result of a coronavirus-related special deferment (1.6 billion euros) and transfers by the EU, mainly through the coronavirus recovery fund (0.8 billion euros). As a result, the government deficit over 2021 comes out 2 billion euros lower than was reported in previous publications.
Figures published by CBS are the official figures on the balance of the government budget and the government debt of the Netherlands. They are reported to the European Commission as part of the 'Excessive Deficit Procedure' (EDP). Reporting takes place twice yearly, before 1 April and before 1 October. The EU statistical agency Eurostat will verify the figures on deficits and debts of all member states, which must be submitted latest by 1 April 2023, and publish the final figures on 21 April 2023.