Profits of non-financial corporations up again

© Hollandse Hoogte / Robin Utrecht
In Q3 2022, Dutch non-financial corporations’ gross profits before taxes amounted to 84.5 billion euros. This is 9 billion euros more than in Q3 2021 and the highest amount since the beginning of the time series in 1999. In Q3 2022, non-financial corporations received less in coronavirus-related subsidies; nevertheless, both gross operating surplus and profits of foreign subsidiaries were higher than one year previously. This is reported by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) based on new (provisional) figures.

Gross profits before taxes consist of the gross operating surplus, the profits of foreign subsidiaries and the other profits. Gross operating surplus amounted to 59.9 billion euros in Q3 2022, up from 55.7 billion euros one year previously. Received non-product related subsidies were 2.3 billion euros lower, because non-financial corporations received fewer coronavirus-related subsidies. The gross operating surplus excluding subsidies was 6.5 billion euros higher than in Q3 2021. Especially energy companies, aviation, travel agencies, temporary employment agencies and accommodation services reported higher profits.

In Q3 2022, profits from foreign subsidiaries were 7.6 billion euros up on Q3 2021. Especially the petrochemical manufacturing industry received higher profits from subsidiaries. The other profits were negative and 2.8 billion euros lower than one year previously. This is the result of higher payments to the government related to natural gas extraction. Domestic dividend revenues were higher than in Q3 2021. Both interest revenues and interest payments were higher as well.

Non-financial corporations' gross profits before taxes, second quarter
 Gross operating surplus excluding non-product related subsidies (bln euro)Non-product related subsidies (bln euro)Profits from foreign subsidiaries (bln euro)Other profits (bln euro)

More taxes and dividends paid, more investments in fixed capital

Corporations pay taxes over their profits such as corporation tax. In Q3 2022, non-financial corporations paid 2.4 billion euros more taxes over their profits than one year previously.

Profits remaining after paying taxes can be used for dividend payments, investments or savings. Non-financial corporations paid 7.8 billion euros more dividends than in Q3 2021. Investments in fixed capital were 2.7 billion euros higher.

Profit ratio down despite higher profits

Despite higher profits, the profit ratio – the gross operating surplus divided by the total gross value added – was slightly lower in Q3 2022 than in Q3 2021 (44.0 versus 44.8 percent). This is due to the decrease in received non-product related subsidies, which are included in the gross operating surplus, but not in total gross value added.

It is possible that too many coronavirus-related subsidies have been paid out and that these must be paid back later. These paybacks are attributed to the period for which the subsidy was requested. Current figures are based on adjusted, but still provisional information. New information can lead to adjustments in the future.