Mental health
• 1. Have you felt an extreme anxiety?
• 2. Have you felt so down that nothing could cheer you up?
• 3. Have you felt calm and composed?
• 4. Have you felt downhearted and blue?
• 5. Have you been happy?
Each question comes with six answer categories as follows: all the time-most of the time-often-sometimes-seldom-never. To rate the answers to the positively formulated questions (3 and 5), the value scale applied was 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and 0 respectively. The scale was in the opposite direction for the negatively formulated questions (1, 2 and 4). Subsequently, simple total scores were calculated and multiplied by 4, meaning the respondent’s score could range from a minimum total score of 0 (very unhealthy) to a maximum score of 100 (perfectly healthy). A score of 60 or above then qualified a respondent as mentally healthy and below 60 as mentally unhealthy.