Rental policy in the rent-controlled sector

As of July 1, 2022 a landlord of a dwelling in the social housing sector is allowed to increase the rent. In 2021, it was not allowed to increase the rent of a social rental home, this applied until 30 June 2022. Until 2021 the maximum percentage basic rent increase was equal to the annual change of the consumer price index (CPI) in the previous year plus an income-related surcharge.
Because of the time at which the maximum rent increase must be determined, the calculation of the annual change of the CPI in the previous year is not based on the calendar year (January to December), but on the period December to November.

The maximum rent increase in 2022:
Rents below € 300: 25
Single person households with an income between € 47,948 and € 56,527: 50 euros
Multiple person households with an income between € 55,486 and € 75,369: 50 euros
Single person households with an income above € 56.527: 100 euros
Multiple person households with an income above € 75,369: 100 euros
For social housing tenants with a different income: 2.3%

The maximum rent increase in 2021:
All incomes 0%
The maximum rent increase in 2020:
incomes up to and including € 43,574: 2.6% + 2.5% = 5.1%
incomes above € 43,574 2.6% + 4.0% = 6.6%.

The maximum rent increase in 2019:
incomes up to and including € 42,436: 1.6% + 2.5% = 4.1%
incomes above € 42,436: 1.6% + 4.0% = 5.6%.

The maximum rent increase in 2018:
incomes up to and including € 41,056: 1.4% + 2.5% = 3.9%
incomes above € 41,056: 1.4% + 4.0% = 5.4%

The maximum rent increase in 2017:
incomes up to and including € 40,349: 0.3% + 2.5% = 2.8%
incomes above € 40,349: 0.3% + 4.0% = 4.3%.

Finally, a maximum rental price per dwelling based on a point system applies. These maximum rent limits are also adjusted annually with the annual change in the CPI. The average annual change over the previous calendar year published by CBS in January is used for this purpose. When the rent of a dwelling has reached this rent limit, the maximum (income-related) rent increase can no longer be applied.