Manufacturing output almost 14 percent up in April

jaar | maand | change (year-on-year % change) |
2018 | May | 2.9 |
2018 | June | 3.3 |
2018 | July | 0.9 |
2018 | August | 4 |
2018 | September | 1.7 |
2018 | October | 2.4 |
2018 | November | 1.3 |
2018 | December | -4.3 |
2019 | January | -0.6 |
2019 | February | -0.1 |
2019 | March | -0.8 |
2019 | April | -0.3 |
2019 | May | -0.9 |
2019 | June | -2.5 |
2019 | July | 0 |
2019 | August | -1.7 |
2019 | September | 1.2 |
2019 | Oktober | 0.5 |
2019 | November | -1.6 |
2019 | December | -1.2 |
2020 | January | 1.7 |
2020 | February | -0.5 |
2020 | March | -1.4 |
2020 | April | -10.5 |
2020 | May | -11.7 |
2020 | June | -9.1 |
2020 | July | -4.3 |
2020 | August | -3.4 |
2020 | September | -5.8 |
2020 | October | -3.5 |
2020 | November | -2.3 |
2020 | December | 0.5 |
2021 | January | 1.1 |
2021 | February | -1.9 |
2021 | March | 3 |
2021 | April | 12.9 |
2021 | May | 16.1 |
2021 | June | 17.6 |
2021 | July | 13.1 |
2021 | August | 8.6 |
2021 | September | 11.1 |
2021 | October | 9.6 |
2021 | November | 10.6 |
2021 | December | 12.9 |
2022 | January | 7.3 |
2022 | February | 10.5 |
2022 | March | 7.6 |
2022 | April | 13.7 |
Output growth in more than half of the industries
In April, more than half of all manufacturing industries saw their output increase on an annual basis. With 64.5 percent, the machinery industry again achieved the highest growth among the larger industries. In the transport equipment industry, however, output contracted again, by approximately 1 percent. The decline in April was less substantial than in previous months.
Category | change (year-on-year % change) |
Machinery | 64.5 |
Repair and installation of machinery | 9.9 |
Metal products | 9.4 |
Electrical and electronics | 8 |
Food products | 3.1 |
Chemical products | 1.3 |
Rubber and plastic products | -0.1 |
Transport equipment | -1.2 |
Manufacturing (total) | 13.7 |
Altogether, the industries referred to in the above graph account for approximately 75 percent of the total manufacturing output |
Manufacturing output at highest level ever
A more accurate picture of short-term output developments is obtained when figures are adjusted for seasonal effects and the working-day pattern. After adjustments, an increase of 5.3 percent is seen in manufacturing output between March and April.
Adjusted for seasonal and working-day effects, manufacturing output is seen to fluctuate significantly. In the spring of 2020, output declined rapidly and a low point was reached in May 2020. After that, output picked up again. In April, output reached its highest level ever.
2018 | May | 109,6 (2015=100) |
June | 109.3 | |
July | 107.6 | |
August | 109.3 | |
September | 109.1 | |
October | 109.6 | |
November | 110.2 | |
December | 107 | |
2019 | January | 109.6 |
2019 | February | 109.2 |
2019 | March | 108.8 |
2019 | April | 108.9 |
2019 | May | 108.5 |
2019 | June | 107.3 |
2019 | July | 107.5 |
2019 | August | 107.8 |
2019 | September | 109.5 |
2019 | October | 109.7 |
2019 | November | 108.4 |
2019 | December | 106.5 |
2020 | January | 109 |
2020 | February | 108.4 |
2020 | March | 106 |
2020 | April | 97.4 |
2020 | May | 96.5 |
2020 | June | 99.4 |
2020 | July | 103.4 |
2020 | August | 104 |
2020 | September | 104.2 |
2020 | October | 106.2 |
2020 | November | 106.3 |
2020 | December | 107.1 |
2021 | January | 110.9 |
2021 | February | 106.8 |
2021 | March | 110 |
2021 | April | 110.3 |
2021 | May | 112.1 |
2021 | June | 115 |
2021 | July | 116.2 |
2021 | August | 113.6 |
2021 | September | 115.2 |
2021 | October | 116.6 |
2021 | November | 117.6 |
2021 | December | 120 |
2022 | January | 119 |
2022 | February | 118.8 |
2022 | March | 118.4 |
2022 | April | 124.7 |
Producer confidence deteriorated in May
In May 2022, the mood among Dutch manufacturers was less positive. Manufacturers were less positive about their future output and their current stocks of finished products.
Germany is an important market for the Dutch manufacturing industry. In May, German producer confidence according to the Business Climate Index of the IFO Institute improved. Companies assessed their current situation as somewhat better while their expectations were less negative. In April, the average daily output generated by the German manufacturing industry contracted by almost 3 percent year on year, as reported by Destatis.
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- Dossier - Business cycle