Official estimate
Figures over 2020 have been adjusted in this release, relative to previous publications. Due to new information becoming available, there are updated figures on subsidies under the government's coronavirus support measures, taxes (VAT and tobacco excise duty), health care expenditure and income transfers between central government and social funds. As a result, the government deficit in 2020 comes out almost 4 billion euros lower than in previous publications. The subsidy burden under the Temporary Emergency Measures for Employment has been adjusted the most, almost 4 billion euros downwards.
Figures published by CBS are the official figures on the balance of the government budget and the government debt of the Netherlands. They are reported to the European Commission under the 'Excessive Deficit Procedure' (EDP). Reporting takes place twice yearly, before 1 April and before 1 October. The EU statistical agency Eurostat will verify the figures on deficits and debts of all member states, which must be submitted latest by 1 April 2022, and publish the final figures on 22 April 2021.