Export earnings

To make any relevant statement on the importance of goods exports, we have to look at export earnings. These are the earnings received by the Netherlands through its turnover from exports. The figures have been calculated on the basis of input and output tables as well as supply and use tables from the National Accounts (NR). To enable the best possible comparison between products, the 116 NA product groups that were analysed have been compressed into 65 aggregate groups of goods. These 65 groups have been classified further into seven main export categories in order to create a comprehensive picture of the Netherlands’ goods exports. Re-exports are not included in this analysis, which is focused solely on domestic goods exports. The NA concepts are different from the International trade in goods concepts (source statistics), which explains why total domestic exports are described here with different figures from those in certain StatLine datasets.
Compared to a previous similar news release, certain figures over 2015 have been adjusted due to the interim benchmark revision which has taken place since then in the National Accounts. A new time series was built as a result (2015-2018) which is not entirely comparable to the previous time series prior to revision.