Fewer women than men fall victim to violence

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In 2017, 1.7 percent of women aged 15 or older indicated that they had fallen victim to one or multiple violent crimes, versus 2.5 percent of men. Women are twice as likely as men to fall victim to sexual violence. This is evident from the Safety Monitor, a survey conducted in connection with the 10th edition of the Emancipation Monitor, a joint publication by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and the Netherlands Institute for Social Research (SCP).
Of all types of violent crimes, intimidation is the most common among both women and men. The majority of victims are male: 1.6 percent of men against 1.1 percent of women. In addition, more men (0.9 percent) than women (0.5 percent) fall victim to assault. The opposite holds true for sexual offences: more women than men report that they have been victimised. Relative to 2012, the share of male victims of one or multiple violent crimes has dropped, while the share of female victims has remained at the same level.

Violent crimes, 2017
 Women (% aged 15 yrs and over)Men (% aged 15 yrs and over)
Violent crimes total1.72.5
Sexual offences0.20.1

Victims of violence mostly young

The rates of violent crime victimisation are higher among young people between the ages of 15 and 25 years than among other age groups. The victimisation rate decreases with age. In the age categories 15 to 24 years and 25 to 34 years, more men are subjected to violence than women. The same holds true for 55 to 64-year-olds and 65 to 74-year-olds.

Violent crime victimisation rates, 2017
 Women (%)Men (%)
15 to 24 yrs2.84.2
25 to 34 yrs2.33.5
35 to 44 yrs2.42.7
45 to 54 yrs1.92.4
55 to 64 yrs1.22.0
65 to 74 yrs0.61.1
75 yrs and over0.50.7

More female victims know the perpetrator

Half of all violent crimes against women are committed by someone they know, versus 38 percent of violent crimes against men. As for women, the familiar perpetrator is - more often than among men - their partner or ex-partner. For both male and female victims, the familiar perpetrator in most violent crime cases is a neighbour.

Violent crime victimisation, by relationship with perpetrator, 2017
 Women (% aged 15 yrs and over)Men (% aged 15 yrs and over)
Perpetrator known to victim50.637.8
Relationship with perpetrator
Co-worker or fellow student8.96.2
Family member4.61.8
Acquaintance 10.213.5

Most violent crime takes place in the street

Approximately half of all violent crimes committed against men are street crimes; among female crime victims, 43 percent of crimes are street crimes. Women report having been assaulted at home in 21 percent of the cases , versus 11 percent of cases against men. However, violent crimes against men are twice as likely to take place in a hospitality establishment nearly twice as often.

Location of most recently experienced incident, 2017
 Women (% aged 15 yrs and over)Men (% aged 15 yrs and over)
In the street42.750.1
At home2111.5
At work or at school13.911.7
In an establishment510.4

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