Bonaire’s population less religious

The majority of the population of Bonaire indicate they are religious, although this group is becoming smaller. In 2017, 81 percent said they belong to a religious denomination or ideological group, versus 88 percent in 2013. However, the share of religious people attending religious services was just as high. This is the outcome of the Omnibus Survey conducted by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) among inhabitants of Bonaire aged 15 years and over.

Religious denomination or ideological group, Bonaire
 2017 (%)2013 (%)
Religious denomination81.388
of which:
Roman Catholic59.768.2
Jehova's Witness2.11.4
No religious denomination18.712

The percentage share of Roman Catholics decreased in particular, from 68 percent in 2013 to 60 percent in 2017. Catholicism therefore remains by far the island’s largest religion. Seven percent of Bonaire residents are Pentecostals, 3 percent are Protestants and an approximately equal share are Evangelicals.

The share of men who report they have a denomination went down: from over 87 percent in 2013 to less than 78 percent in 2017. No significant decline was recorded among women in this respect.

Attendance at religious meetings unchanged

Out of all believers on Bonaire, 27 percent went to a religious meeting at least once per week in 2017; 35 percent rarely or never attended. Religious inhabitants visit such meetings just as often as in 2013. Women are more likely to go to church or another worship service than men.

Attendance religious services, Bonaire
 2017 (%)2013 (%)
Once per week or more26.730.4
Two or three times per month10.512.4
Once per month12.411.9
Less than once per month15.613.1
Rarely or never34.932.3