Over 1 billion euros spent in foreign EU webshops

© Hollandse Hoogte / Jordi Huisman
In 2016, Dutch consumers spent over 1 billion euros on products sold by foreign EU webshops. This represents an increase of 25 percent relative to 2015. Clothing and shoes were the main items purchased by consumers, as reported by Statistics Netherlands (CBS) on the basis of current big data research in cooperation with the University of Amsterdam and Leiden University.

[video: https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/video/6dd8bf5b70394b3ba13b1e187c662205] 
(English subtitles available)

Last year, over 80 percent of online purchases by Dutch consumers in other EU countries were from companies located in Germany, Great Britain, Belgium or Italy. German webshops topped the list with a share of more than 50 percent in total related purchasing value. Great Britain ranked second at around 12 percent, followed by Belgium and Italy at approximately 8 percent each. The other 20 percent was spent in webshops from across the entire Community.

These purchases concern online purchases of goods by Dutch consumers from companies located within the European Union, but outside the Netherlands. Figures have been calculated using a method which is still under development and are therefore provisional. The margin of error in relation to total turnover amounts to approximately 5 percent.

The full article, which also outlines the method under development and plans for further research, can be found on the Innovation page.

Purchases from EU web shops by Dutch consumers
 Series 0