Year-on-year house prices 6 percent up in November

Prices 13.2 percent up from dip in June 2013
House prices reached a record high in August 2008. Subsequently, they fell to a low in June 2013. Since then, the trend has been upward. House prices are 11.1 percent below the record level of August 2008 and 13.2 percent higher than during the price dip in June 2013. The average price level of owner-occupied houses in November 2016 was the same as in September 2005.
House sales further up
According to figures released last Monday by the Dutch Land Registry Office, 18,255 residential property units were sold in November. During the first eleven months of this year 189,513 houses were sold, an increase by nearly 21 percent relative to the first eleven months of 2015.
Statistics Netherlands also publishes more detailed information by region and type of dwelling on a quarterly basis. The next set of quarterly data will be published on 20 January 2017.
- StatLine - House Price Index; existing own homes
- StatLine - House Price Index by region; existing own homes
- StatLine - House Price Index by type of dwelling; existing own homes
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