3.9 thousand asylum seekers and relatives in November

© Inge van Mill
In November 2016, 3.9 thousand asylum seekers and following family members were registered in the Netherlands. The total was 355 higher than in October. Compared to the same month in 2015 the number declined by 3.4 thousand, as reported by Statistics Netherlands (CBS).

Registrations of following family members were up in particular in November: 2.1 thousand, versus 1.6 thousand in October. The number of first asylum applications was down slightly: nearly 1.7 thousand against 1.9 thousand in October. Similar to the previous month, the largest group among the new applicants were from Morocco (225), followed by Eritrea (205) and Algeria (190). The number of Syrians who filed first requests was 105 in November.
By far the largest group of following family members were Syrians (1.7 thousand).

26.6 thousand asylum seekers and relatives so far in 2016

Altogether, 26.6 thousand asylum seekers and following family members were registered between 1 January and 30 November 2016, half as many as in the same period last year and slightly more than in 2014 (25.1 thousand until end of November).

Asylum seekers and relatives (Jan-Nov 2016)
 Series 0
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