Transport and storage top sector export of services

In 2011 representatives from the private sector, knowledge institutions and government have earmarked nine key economic sectors as top sectors. Part of the Dutch government’s business policy is focused on these top sectors. The survey on exports of services by top sectors was commissioned by the Ministry of Economic Affairs , and was a spin-off of a survey commissioned by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and will be published soon.
Apart from the top sector Transport and storage, the sector high-tech systems and equipment exported services worth nearly 13 bn euros. The chemical industry accounted for 4 bn euros worth of services exported to other countries. The total value of top sector exports of services amounted to 48 bn euros in 2014. These services include transport, research, consultancy and royalty payments for the use of brand names and licences, audio-visual materials and databases. Collectively, the top sectors accounted for 32 percent of total export of services.
Creative industries and agriculture: mainly small exporters
In the Creative industries more than 8.7 thousand businesses were engaged in the export of services abroad, i.e. approximately 360 thousand euros per business, making it the top sector with the highest number of exporters, but also the smallest. Exports by the horticultural sector amounted to 560 thousand euros per business, as opposed to the chemical sector and Life science & health, where several hundreds of businesses exported services worth millions of euros.Top sector businesses were good for 7 percent of exports of services abroad. With 27 percent, the Energy sector topped the list. In the Agribusiness & Food sector and in horticulture only 2 percent of businesses exported services abroad.
Top sectors account for relatively large share in exports of goods and services
In addition to services, Dutch top sectors also exported 168 bn euros worth of goods, i.e. 39 percent of total exports of goods, but the degree of involvement in exports of goods and services varies across the sectors. High-tech systems and materials accounted for 9 percent of total exports of services and for 11 percent of exports of goods. In Life sciences & health, the export shares of goods and services were almost equal. In the Creative industries and the sector Transport and storage, the export share of services was obviously more important than the export share of goods. In the chemical industry, it was the other way around.