Disposable household income higher

The disposable income of Dutch households rose by 3.0 percent in Q1 relative to Q1 2015. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) says disposable household incomes have risen for more than twelve months now.

Two factors constitute the driving force behind the increase of the disposable income during the past three quarters: higher employee wages and higher incomes for self-employed, generated by their production activities. The number of employees and self-employed has also grown. Incomes of employees rose by 1.4 percent on an annual basis. Wages per year of work rose by 1.9 percent, almost equal to the increase in collectively negotiated wages of 1.8 percent. The number of employee jobs also grew, by 93 thousand (+ 1.2 percent). With 52 thousand extra jobs (+ 8.7 percent), the number of temp jobs grew noticeably. Incomes of self-employed increased by 5.9 percent and the number of self-employed rose by 19 thousand (+ 0.9 percent).