Substantial growth Dutch exports

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Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that the volume of exports of goods was 5.4 percent up in August 2015 from August 2014, the most substantial growth since February. The Statistics Netherlands Exports Radar shows that circumstances for Dutch exports were somewhat less favourable in September and October than in August.

In August, exports of petroleum derivatives and metal products grew noticeably. Exports of Dutch products and re-exports were also higher than one year previously. The volume of imports was 5.3 percent up in August from one year previously.

Export of goods (volume, adjusted for working days)

More petroleum derivatives and metal products exported

In August 2015, Dutch exports of petroleum derivatives (mainly re-exports) grew considerably. Exports of metal products and food also grew above average.

Circumstances for Dutch exports less favourable in October than in August

Statistics Netherlands’ Exports Radar shows that circumstances for Dutch exports were less favourable in October than in August, but slightly more favourable than in September. German manufacturing industry performed better. Producer confidence in Germany and across the eurozone improved. On the other hand, the real effective exchange rates on an annual basis were less favourable than in the preceding month. By means of six indicators, the Exports Radar shows whether circumstances for Dutch exports have improved or deteriorated.

Source, Statline:

For more information on economic indicators, see the Economic Monitor.

The numbers in this publication are provisional and can be adjusted.