Retail turnover growing again

As reported by Statistics Netherlands, Dutch retail trade turnover grew by 3.2 percent in July compared to the same month in 2014. The higher turnover can mainly be attributed to an increase in sales. The volume in products sold grew by 3.4 percent, while prices fell by 0.2 percent. The turnover increased most significantly in the non-food sector such as in home furnishings.
The growth in turnover confirms the positive trend over the first two quarters of 2015. Retail turnover online also grew in July. Furthermore, July had a more favourable shopping day pattern than the same month last year, which had a positive effect on the turnover.
Most branches in non-food sector flourish
Shops selling non-food products achieved a turnover growth of 4.3 percent on July 2014. In June, growth even exceeded 6 percent. For the first time in one and a half years, price levels were higher while the volume increased by 4.0 percent.
Turnover increased in almost all branches of the non-food sector. Shops selling home furnishings had a considerable boost, as they did one month earlier. This was in line with the stronger results in the housing market. Turnover was also up in consumer electronics, apparel and cosmetics. There was less turnover in DIY products and household articles, however.
Increased turnover in food, drinks and tobacco
Shops selling food, drinks and tobacco recorded a turnover increase of 1.9 percent. This increase is largely due to better sales. Supermarkets, with a turnover percentage of more than 85 in this branch of the retail sector, recorded 2.2 percent more turnover.
Online turnover continues strong growth
In July, the turnover in online retail gained 20.0 percent. Online turnover of shops which sell through the internet as a side activity (multi-channelers) increased by 22.7 procent. Webshops recorded 18.3 percent more turnover than the same period last year. Webshops are shops which have online retail as their main activity.