Decline in unemployment sharpest for 25 to 44 year-olds

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The latest figures released by Statistics Netherlands show that unemployment in the Netherlands has declined faster over the past three months for people aged 25 to 44 than for those aged 45 and up. In August, a total of 604 thousand people were unemployed, 13 thousand fewer than three months previously. The figures for August were almost identical to July, indicating that 6.8 percent of the Dutch labour force was unemployed.

UWV: Almost as many unemployment benefits in August as in July

As reported by the Institute for Implementation of Employees’ Insurances (UWV), nearly 420 thousand unemployment (WW) benefits were paid out in August 2015, roughly the same number as in the previous month and 2.5 percent less than in August 2014. That month, the number of benefits had dropped by 1.5 percent compared to the previous month. The number of unemployment (WW) benefits for people aged 35 to 44 was much lower last month than in the previous month and the previous year. As is usual in the summer months, unemployment increased in the Dutch education sector. The summertime peak in benefits in that sector is higher every year, however.

Unemployed labour force (seasonally adjusted) and WW benefits

Unemployment lowest among 25- to 44-year-olds

Within the space of one year, unemployment in the labour force has declined from 7.2 to 6.8 percent. Unemployed people are defined as currently out of a job but looking for work and available for work immediately. The unemployment rate was lowest among the group 25 to 44 year-olds, and the decline sharpest over the past three months: from 5.7 percent to 5.4 percent. Unemployment also declined among the group aged over 45, although this decline was just from 6.5 to 6.4 percent. Youth unemployment was 11.2 percent, slightly up from 3 months ago but lower than a year ago, when youth unemployment was 12.4 percent.

Unemployment percentage broken down by age group

Two thirds of all people aged 15 to 74 are in jobs

The Netherlands has 12.7 million inhabitants aged 15 to 74. In this group, the number of employed has gone up by 12 thousand over the past three months. In August, 65.5 percent of all 15 to 74 year-olds worked in paid jobs, the equivalent of 8.3 million people: 4.5 million men and 3.8 million women. The number of working women has gone up in particular over the past twelve months.

Last month, a total of 604 thousand people were unemployed, 13 thousand fewer than three months earlier. There were slightly more unemployed men than unemployed women. The remaining 3.8 million people aged 15 to 74 do not participate in the labour force: they did not have jobs, but were not looking or not immediately available. Women form the majority among the non-participants, with 2.2 million.

Total and employed labour force (seasonally adjusted)

UWV: Number of resumed jobs slightly down this year

In the first eight months of 2015, UWV paid out 390 thousand new unemployment (WW) benefits, which was 3.4 percent less than in the same period last year. Over the same period this year, UWV ended 412 thousand benefits, nearly the same as in 2014. The number of benefits which ended because people resumed work has reached 199 thousand in 2015, almost 1 percent lower than in 2014.