Container transport increasingly important
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) reports that container transhipment in Dutch sea ports has risen by 9 percent in 2014. The volume of goods arriving in and leaving Dutch sea ports in containers is growing and has risen by 2.3 percent to 570 million tons in the past year.
Container transport accounts for substantial growth in sea shipping
Container transport obviously contributes most to the growth in sea shipping and transhipment, accounting for nearly 20 percent of the total weight of maritime transport of goods. Approximately half of sea cargo consists of liquid bulk, mainly petroleum and petroleum derivatives. Dry bulk, e.g. coal and ore account for one-quarter. The overall weight of containers transhipped in Dutch sea ports has grown by nearly 25 percent since 2000. Transhipment of bulk goods declined by 2 percent during the same period.
Dutch sea ports handled largest volume of goods in EU in 2014
Since 2010 Dutch sea ports have handled the largest tonnage of all EU countries: 570 million tons in 2014. In the past, most goods were transferred in ports in the United Kingdom. The Dutch share in EU sea hipping has grown steadily; in the past decade with nearly one-quarter to more than 15 percent in 2014.
Rotterdam largest container port in Europe
Container transhipment in Rotterdam has increased by 9 percent in 2014 to 108 million tons. In the past fifteen years, Antwerp and Hamburg have narrowed the gap, but Rotterdam still occupies first place. With the completion of the Maasvlakte 2 project, even the largest container vessels can reach Rotterdam. Other Dutch ports are barely or not at all capable of handling containers.