Dutch quality of life above average compared with other EU countries

The quality of life in the Netherlands is high in comparison with other countries in the European Union. When compared with only the north-western EU countries it is around average.
A survey by Eurostat - the European office of statistics – has put together a large number of quality-of-life indicators across a number of dimensions. With the exception of safety, the Netherlands scores around or above average on each dimension. In the area of material living conditions and economic safety in particular, the Netherlands performed better than average in 2013.
Dutch give their life 7.8 marks out of ten
One subjective indicator for quality of life is how satisfied people are with their lives. Inhabitants of countries in the south and east of Europe are less satisfied in general than those in countries in the northwest of Europe. Asked to give marks out of ten, the Dutch awarded their lives with an average 7.8, and are thus very satisfied. But here too they are quite middle-of-the road compared with other countries in the northwest of the continent. The populations of Finland, Denmark and Sweden are most satisfied with their lives.