over 80 percent of Caribbean Netherlands population are religious

According to figures released by Statistics Netherlands this week, 88 percent of inhabitants on Bonaire aged 15 years and older reported having a religious denomination in 2013. On Saba and St Eustatius 83 percent of inhabitants said they were religious. The number of religious people is much higher than in the European Netherlands, where just over half of adults (aged 18 years and older) say they have a denomination. Just as in the European Netherlands, Roman Catholicism constitutes the largest group.
On Bonaire almost seven in ten inhabitants are Roman Catholic. Just under 7 percent are Pentecostals and nearly 5 percent Evangelical.
St Eustatius has three main religions: almost a quarter of inhabitants are Catholic, just under one in five are Methodists and one in six Adventists.
On Saba most people are Catholic too: just over four in ten inhabitants. Eight percent are Anglicans and 6 percent are Muslims. Relatively more older people and those with a lower level of education are religious than younger and higher educated people.
Religions on Bonaire, St Eustasius and Saba, 2013
30 percent of all religious people in the Caribbean Netherlands attend a religious gathering at least once a week, older people go more frequently than younger people, and twice as many women as men. More than 40 percent of men hardly ever or never go to church as opposed to just over a quarter of women.
Frequency of attendance correlates with education level. On Bonaire and Saba relatively more people with a high education level attend church at least once a week than people with an intermediate or low level of education. On St Eustatius there are no differences in church attendance between higher en lower educated people.
Church attendance in the Caribbean Netherlands by education level, 2013
Omnibus Survey Dutch Caribbean