The Dutch environment and economy deteriorated slightly in 2013

The environmental and economic  indicators did not improve in 2013. Greenhouse gas emissions stayed about the same as in 2012. Emissions by manufacturing and electricity producers decreased,  but emissions from agriculture, services and households increased. The emission intensity, greenhouse gas emissions divided by GDP, rose for the second year in a row. Acidifying emissions increased for the first time in years in 2013. The consumption of energy and of tap water for economic activities remained more or less stable.
Revenues from environmental taxes rose by 1.7 percent in 2013. This was mainly due to the introduction of an additional increment on the tax on gas and electricity to afford renewable energy subsidies ( ‘opslag duurzame energie’). There was a substantial increase in employment in the sustainable energysector, while employment fell for the Netherlands as a whole. The activities regarding wind at sea, installation of solar panels and work for the transport of electricity generated more and more jobs.

Changes in the environmental and economic indicators, 2012-2013

Changes in the environmental and economic indicators, 2012-2013

More information about these and other indicators on the environment and the economy can be found in the publication: Environmental accounts of the Netherlands 2013

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