Larger stocks manufacturing industry
According to Statistics Netherlands, manufacturers’ stocks of finished products were 8.7 percent up in August 2014 from August 2013. Stocks in manufacturing industry have been larger than twelve months previously for five months in a row and the increase is growing. Stock figures have been adjusted for price changes, not for seasonal variation.
Stocks of finished products in manufacturing industry (volume)
Opinions on stocks less positive in October
The Business Sentiment Survey for the Manufacturing Industry provides a first indication for further developments of the index stocks of finished products. In this survey, manufacturers are invited to define their current stocks of finished products as too small (positive), normal or too large (negative) in relation to projected sales. These results are available two months earlier than data on stocks of finished products.
The mood among manufacturers with respect to the volume of their stocks was less positive in October than in September. Opinions on stocks of finished products are one of the three component indicators defining producer confidence in manufacturing industry. Statistics Netherlands also announced today that producer confidence has risen substantially in October.
Opinions on stocks of finished products
For more information on economic indicators, see the Economic Monitor.