Exports up again, mainly as a result of higher re-exports

The volume of exports of goods was 4.1 percent up in July 2014 from July 2013, after a 3.2 percent improvement in June. According to Statistics Netherlands, the growth in exports was mainly caused by higher re-exports. The volume of imported goods was 7.5 percent up from twelve months previously. The volume of imports also rose in June, but by less extent (1.7 percent). Volume figures have been adjusted for the number of working days.

Exports of goods (volume adjusted for working days)

Exports of goods (volume adjusted for working days)

Exports of machinery, installations and metal products considerably higher

Re-exports - i.e. exports of previously imported products - grew, while exports of Dutch products hardly rose at all.

Exports of machinery, installations and metal products in particular were considerably higher, as a result of both higher exports of Dutch product and higher re-exports.

Last week Statistics Netherlands reported that output generated by the sectors electrical products and machinery and (basic) metal products was considerably higher in July than one year previously. Exports are a very significant factor in the Dutch manufacturing sector.

Circumstances for Dutch exports more favourable in September than in August

According to Statistics Netherlands’ Exports Radar, circumstances for Dutch exports were more favourable in September than in August. The German manufacturing industry, in particular, performed a lot better. By means of six indicators, the Exports Radar shows whether circumstances for Dutch exports have become more or less favourable.

The monthly figures on international trade in goods are adjusted to the new concepts and definitions of the National Accounts.

For more information on economic indicators, see the Economic Monitor.