Prices day trips substantially up

Prices of day trips have risen substantially over the past half decade. Admission fees for cinemas, theatres, zoos and amusement parks, but transport costs too, have risen considerably. Prices for eating out have risen less rapidly.

Entrance fees cinema and theatre considerably higher

Prices of cinema, theatre and festival tickets have increased by a quarter between July 2009 and July 2014. One of the reasons for the price increase of mid-2011 is the higher VAT rate on performing arts from 6 to 19 percent.  After one year, the measure was reversed and the low rate was restored, but as a result of subsidy cuts, prices did not return to the level prior to the VAT increase.  Hence, people attending performing arts eventshave to pay higher prices. The general price level for consumers rose by more than 11 percent over the same period.

Entrance fees day trips

Entrance fees day trips

Entrance fees amusement parks, zoos and museums also significantly higher

Entrance fees for amusement parks, zoos and museums have risen by an average of 19 percent over the past half decade, i.e. nearly twice the inflation rate over the same period. Entrance fees also rose because operators want to offer attractive products by expanding, modernising and improving their services.

Higher transport costs

Higher transport costs

More expensive to travel to and from day trip destinations

The costs of transport to and from day trip destinations have also gone up. Over the past five years, public transport and cab prices have increased by an average of 17 percent. The costs were even higher for people who travelled by car as petrol prices rose by 27 percent in the same period, partly as a result of tax measures. Parking fees increased by an average of 20 percent.

Price increase restaurants and fast food and take-away services

Price increase restaurants and fast food and take-away services

Prices for eating out increase moderately

During or after day trips, people often go to (fast food) restaurants, snack bars, etc. Eating in fast food restaurantsand buying take-away meals have also become more expensive over the past five years, but the price increase of 12 percent almost equalled the inflation rate over that period. With 9 percent, the price increase in restaurants was even below the level of inflation.

Koen Link

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