Turnover dairy wholesalers exceeds 12 billion euros
Wholesale traders in dairy products like cheese, milk and eggs generated in excess of 12 billion euros, i.e. 7 percent more than in 2012. The most important export products are cheese and powdered milk. The value of Dutch dairy exports totalled nearly 8 billion euros in 2013, a growth by 12 percent relative to 2012. Dairy exports have improved considerably for a long time, often achieving double digit growth.
Export value Dutch dairy products and eggs
Growing exports
Dutch wholesalers largely control the foreign trade in dairy products. Nearly 60 percent of all dairy exports go to five countries. The value of dairy exports to these countries exceeds 4.6 billion euros. Germany is the largest importer of dairy products, followed by Belgium, France and the United Kingdom. More recently, Russia has become a major importer of Dutch dairy. In 2013, the Russian Federation purchased 300 million euros’ worth of dairy, versus 187 million euros in 2012.
Five largest importers of dairy products
Other large importers are Italy, Hong Kong, Poland and China. The most notable newcomer is China. The value of China’s imports of dairy from the Netherlands was 100 million euros in 2013. A decade ago, the value of Dutch exports of dairy to China was negligible.
Export price powdered milk 25 percent up
The rise in export value is largely due to higher prices. Export prices of dairy were nearly 9 percent up from 2012. Powdered milk prices soared by nearly 25 percent. Export prices of dairy rose more rapidly than domestic prices (6 percent).
Dairy production nearly 5 percent up
Last year, the production of Dutch dairy plants grew by nearly 5 percent. The production of cheese and powdered milk increased notably. As foreign demand grew, prices went up.
Robbert de Ruijter