Manufacturing prices below the level of one year previously

Selling prices of Dutch manufacturing industry were 2.2 percent lower in January 2014 than in January 2013. In December, prices of manufactured products were 1.7 percent down. Prices of manufactured products have been below the level of one year previously for nearly one year now, mainly as a result of prices for petroleum derivatives and chemical products.
Selling prices
Prices of petroleum derivatives declined by 6.4 percent in January 2014 relative to January 2013. Prices in this sector are seriously affected by crude oil price developments. Prices of chemical products were 3.4 percent lower than twelve months previously. Prices of basic metal products (2.8 percent) and prices of food, drinks and tobacco products (0.6 percent) were also down, but prices of leather products and clothing were higher.
Selling prices of manufactured products were down by 0.1 percent in January 2014 compared to December 2013. Prices on the domestic market remained stable, whereas prices on the foreign market dropped by 0.2 percent.
Index selling prices
More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.
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