Fewer goods carried by Dutch hauliers

The amount of goods carried by Dutch hauliers in 2012 was substantially down from 2005. Eastern European countries (Poland in particular) are becoming increasingly important, but Dutch hauliers still have a relatively large share in international road haulage.
Road haulage in decline
In 2012, a total of 12.2 billion tons of goods were carried on European roads, a reduction by nearly 23 percent relative to 2005. Just as in previous years, Germany accounted for the largest share with nearly 2.9 billion tons, followed by France and the United Kingdom. With 538 million tons, the Netherlands was in seventh position. Nearly all countries carried fewer goods than in 2005. The reduction for the Netherlands 13 percent. Only Poland showed a substantial increase, by more than 44 percent.
Total goods carriage by road in the EU, most important countries
Fewer goods carried by road to and from the Netherlands
In 2012, nearly 156 million tons of goods were carried across the Dutch border. Dutch hauliers accounted for 58 percent, versus 65 percent in 2005. Germany was in second place in 2012 with 16 percent. For the first time, Poland’s share (7.4 percent) exceeded Belgium’s share (7.1 percent). The share of the other countries in Eastern Europe also grew, by 4.4 percentage points. Only Polish and other Eastern European hauliers have shown an increase in absolute terms since 2005. Dutch transporters account for 99 percent of road haulage within the Netherlands
Road haulage to and from the Netherlands, most important countries outside the Netherlands
Netherlands relatively important country in international road haulage
All EU countries mainly carry goods within their own borders. Among the most important road hauliers, the Netherlands was predominantly focused on the international market; 22 percent of all goods carried by Dutch hauliers was international transport in 2012. Poland followed with 13 percent.
Share international road haulage, 2012
Tessa de Wit, Paul Ras and Mathijs Jacobs