More than half a million people have two jobs
Last year, the number of second job holders included in the employed labour force has risen marginally to 544 thousand. On average, people holding two jobs work two hours more each week than those with one job.
Number of second job holders marginally higher in 2012
The number of second job holders in the employed labour force has risen since 2002, in particular between 2002 and 2008, when the number of persons with two jobs increased by more than 150 thousand from 407 thousand to 559 thousand. Proportionally, the most substantial increase was found among those who were working as employees and simultaneously had a smaller job as self-employed.
After 2008, the number of second job holders has changed little. Between 2008 and 2011, the number declined annually by approximately 10 thousand. Last year showed a marginal growth by 12 thousand.
Number of persons in the employed labour with two jobs
Second job holders in paid employment have the shortest working hours
The average amount of weekly working hours was 34.1 in 2012 for people who held only one job, versus 36.3 hours for people holding two jobs. Those who were active as self-employed in one of their jobs had longer working hours. People holding two jobs as employee had on average only 31.8 weekly working hours. This is partly due to the fact that many people combining two jobs in paid employment are young and young people tend to work fewer hours.
Average working hours per job by combination of jobs, 2012
Most young people work as employees
Young people relatively often combine two jobs. In the age category 15-25, more than 12 percent of people working at least twelve hours a week have two jobs. The share in the other age categories varies between 6 and more than 7 percent. Most young second job holders (more than eight in ten) are working in paid employment; 55 to 65 year-olds, more often than other age categories, combine two jobs as self-employed.
Combination of jobs by age, 2012
Godelief Mars and Hendrika Lautenbach