Security costs 780 euros per person
Spending on crime prevention and fighting crime, corruption and harassment topped 13 billion euros in 2012. This comes to 780 euros per person. Spending on security has been about the same since 2009.
Security cost 13 billion in 2012
In 2012 security cost over 13 billion. That is an average of 780 euros per capita, 3 euros more than in 2011. Between 2002 and 2009 the average spending on security per person increased by two digit figures but they have hardly increased since.
Annual per capita spending on security
Ministry of Security and Justice is the largest financier
Central government is by far the largest financier of security in the Netherlands, contributing over 9.5 billion euros or 73 percent of the total. The largest financier within central government is the Ministry of Security and Justice. The police, prison services and much of the justice system come under this Ministry. The private sector pays 14 percent of security costs. Households contribute 8 percent, especially by preventative measures in and around the home. Local governments contribute the remaining 5 percent.
Spending on security by financier, 2012*
Most spending on prevention
Almost half of all spending on security in 2012 went to prevention, namely 6 billion euros. Dutch police and security companies are the largest providers. Over one fifth goes to criminal investigation, mainly by the police. Another 18 percent was spent on carrying out sentences, mainly by the prison services. The remaining 14 percent spent on security went to prosecution, trials, support for suspects and perpetrators, victim support, legal aid and other activities. The distribution of security spending among the various providers is more or less the same as in 2011.
Spending on security by activity, 2012*
Bart Nauta