Number of corporate takeovers nearly doubled in 3 years

The number of corporate takeovers has nearly doubled in the period 2009-2012. Corporate takeovers generally involve medium-sized and small businesses.

Number of takeovers further up

The number of takeovers has risen by 9 percent last year to more than 4.6 thousand, as against 2.4 thousand in 2009, so that the takeover wave triggered off in 2010 was continued in 2011 and 2012. In times of economic hardship, takeovers are more common, for example to avert bankruptcies. The number of corporate mergers has grown marginally in recent years.

Number of corporate mergers and takeovers

Number of corporate mergers and takeovers

Mainly medium-sized and small businesses

Nearly all corporate takeovers concern medium-sized and small companies (MKB). On average, 4.6 employed persons are involved. These businesses are also taken over by other MKB businesses. Only 2 percent of corporate takeovers involve large companies.

Most takeovers in sector business services
Last year, the sector business services accounted for 38 percent of takeovers. Most of them were management consultancies and engineering firms. Takeovers also frequently occurred in the sector trade, in particular wholesale trade.

Corporate takeovers by sector

Corporate takeovers by sector

Ralph Wijnen