
The results are based on the Veiligheidsmonitor (VM). This is a national annual survey among people in the Netherlands aged over 15. The survey explores such issues as quality of life, safety, crime victims, opinions about the police behaviour etcetera. VM 2012 was the first to ask respondents about their sexual preference on the basis of the following questions:

Which gender attracts you?
We want to know this because of a possible link between sexual preference and victimisation.
Would you say:
–  That you are mainly/exclusively attracted by men?
–  That you are attracted by men and women?
–  That you are mainly/exclusively attracted by women?
–  Don’t know / other
–  No answer

In combination with the sex of the respondent we deduced the characteristic ‘sexual preference’. For instance when a man says he is mainly/exclusively attracted by men his sexual preference is primarily homosexual.