Food is relatively cheap in the Netherlands
Food in the Netherlands is slightly cheaper than the average of the European Union. The price of cigarettes is slightly higher and of alcohol slightly lower than the EU average. Groceries are more expensive in most popular holiday destinations, whereas alcohol and cigarettes tend to be cheaper than in the Netherlands.
Dutch food cheaper than in the neighbouring countries
In 2012 food and non-alcoholic drinks were 10 to 15 percent cheaper in the Netherlands than in Belgium, Germany and France. Dutch prices for these products are the lowest in North West Europe and just under the EU average. In the cheapest country, Poland, prices for food and non-alcoholic drinks were nearly 40 percent below the EU average. In Denmark, the most expensive country, prices were more than 40 percent above the average.
Prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages, 2012
Great price differences of alcohol and cigarettes
There are great differences within Europe in the prices of cigarettes and alcohol. These are mainly caused by the excise levied. In the Netherlands cigarettes are slightly more expensive than the EU average and alcohol slightly cheaper. Cigarettes are most expensive in Ireland, where they cost about twice the EU average. In Hungary they cost 48 percent less than the EU average. Alcohol is cheapest in Bulgaria and by far the most expensive in Finland.
Alcohol prices, 2012
Food more expensive in most holiday destinations
Groceries are more expensive in the most popular holiday destinations than in the Netherlands. Prices are only lower in Spain. In Germany, France and Spain alcoholic drinks are cheaper. In Greece alcohol is 36 percent more expensive while cigarettes are 31 percent cheaper than in the Netherlands.
Prices of food, alcohol and tobacco in some holiday destinations, 2012
Helewise Hentzen
Source: Eurostat