145 thousand employees earn 100 thousand euros or more

In 2011, the average annual wage of employees per job was 31 thousand euros; 145 thousand employees in the Netherlands annually earned 100 thousand euros or more in 2011.
Nearly six in ten jobholders earn less than 30 thousand euros
There were 7.9 million employee jobs in the Netherlands in 2011. The average annual wage was 31,340 euros, including special bonuses, like end-of-year bonuses, performance-related bonuses, etc. Approximately one in twenty jobs are secondary jobs.
In 4.7 million jobs, employees earned an annual wage of 30 thousand euros or less, i.e. 59 percent of all employee jobs. One in three jobholders earned an annual wage ranging between 30 thousand and 60 thousand euros. In 145 thousand jobs, employees earned 100 thousand euros or more (1.8 percent of all jobs); in 16 thousand jobs, the annual salary ranged between 200 thousand and 400 thousand euros and more than 3 thousand employees earned 400 thousand euros or more.
Employee jobs (x 1,000) by annual wage category, 2011
High-salary jobs frequent in sector financial services
A relatively large proportion of employees earning salaries of 100 thousand euros or more including special bonuses is found in the financial sector, i.e. more than 8 percent of all jobs available in the financial sector (21 thousand jobs in 2011). The financial sector also accounts for the highest share of employees earning 400 thousand euros or more annually. With nearly 6 percent, the share of jobs with an annual wage of 100 thousand euros or more was also relatively high in specialised business services (lawyers, auditors, legal services).
Employee jobs with an annual wage of 100 thousand euros or more, 2011
Men aged 45 and older constitute largest category
Men aged 45 and older more often than women and younger men earn 100 thousand euros or more per job. More than 5 percent of male over-45s earned annual salaries in that range (86 thousand jobs altogether). Only 16 thousand women earned 100 thousand euros or more in 2011.
Employee jobs with an annual wage of 100 thousand euros or more by gender, 2011
Gerda Gringhuis