Increase manufacturing prices slows down
Output prices of Dutch manufacturing industry were nearly 3 percent higher in December 2012 than in December 2011. The price increase was somewhat smaller than in November, when manufacturing prices were more than 3 percent up from twelve months previously.
Factory gate prices
Manufacturers of food, drinks and tobacco in particular charged higher prices for their products in December. The price increase was 6.5 percent relative to twelve months previously. Prices of chemical products rose by 4 percent. Prices of petroleum derivatives were nearly 2 percent up. Prices in this sector have dropped dramatically over the past few months.
Not all branches in manufacturing raised their prices. Prices of basic metal products, pharmaceutical products and products manufactured by the paper, printing and publishing industry dropped.
Index factory gate prices
Output prices in manufacturing industry fell by 0.7 percent in December 2012 compared to November 2012. Prices on the foreign markets fell at about the same rate as prices on the domestic market. Prices fell for the third consecutive month. This is mainly due to lower petroleum prices.
More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.
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