More and more digital TVs

Seven in ten Dutch households have a digital television set; the rate is three times as high as half a decade ago. TVs with Internet access are also becoming more and more common in Dutch households.

Households with digital TVs and TVs with Internet access

Households with digital TVs and TVs with Internet access

Digital TVs found in seven in ten Dutch households

Last year, 71 percent of Dutch households including at least one person in the age category 12-74 owned a digital TV, i.e. three times as often as five years ago. A digital TV is different from its analog predecessor in that more channels can be received and the picture and sound quality is higher. TVs with Internet access are also becoming more popular. Last year, 20 percent of households owned a TV with Internet access. TVs with Internet access were extremely rare in 2007.

Households with digital TVs or TVs with Internet access by type of household, 2012

Households with digital TVs or TVs with Internet access by type of household, 2012

Ownership rate digital TVs lowest in one-person households

The ownership rate of digital TVs and TVs with Internet access is lowest among one-person households and highest among couples with children. Six in ten singles own a digital TV versus eight in ten couples with children.

Ownership digital TVs or TVs with Internet access by household income category, 2012

Ownership digital TVs or TVs with Internet access by household income category, 2012

TVs with Internet access more often found in high-income households

Nearly three in ten households in the highest income bracket have a TV with access to the Internet, twice as often as households in the lowest income bracket. With 63 percent, the digital TV ownership rate is also somewhat lower in low-income households than in high-income households.

Ger Sleijpen

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