Turnover loss retail sector

In November 2012, the retail sector faced a 1.5 percent turnover loss relative to twelve months previously. Retail prices were nearly 3 percent up. The volume of retail sales was down by 4 percent from one year previously.

Turnover generated by food, drink and tobacco shops was 4.5 percent higher in November 2012 than twelve months previously, but turnover in the non-food sector fell by nearly 6 percent. Traditional shop sales account for more than 80 percent of total retail turnover. Petrol stations, mail-order firms and online shops are also included in the retail sector. Mail-order firms and online shops generated nearly 7 percent more turnover compared to November 2011, but petrol stations faced more than 3 percent turnover loss.

Retail turnover is affected by the shopping-day pattern. The  shopping-day pattern was more favourable in November 2012 than in November 2011. The positive effect on turnover is estimated at approximately 2 percent.

Retail turnover

Retail turnover

More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.       

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