Manufacturing output down slightly

The average daily output of the Dutch manufacturing industry dropped by 0.6 percent in August 2012 compared to August 2011. Output had also decreased in the two preceding months.

The largest decrease was recorded in the sector manufacturing basic metal products. Output also fell in the food, drinks and tobacco sector. In the other branches output either increased or hardly changed at all. The largest output growth was recorded in the sector transport equipment.

Average daily output in manufacturing industry (volume)

Average daily output in manufacturing industry (volume)

Seasonally adjusted figures provide a more reliable picture of short-term production developments. Monthly figures adjusted for seasonal variation often show a somewhat erratic pattern. Therefore, the two-month average compared to the previous two-month average is a more accurate indicator. After correction for seasonal variation and the number of working days, manufacturing output in the period July-August was up by 1 percent on the period May-June.
In August 2012, the output level of the manufacturing industry was slightly above the level reached just before the credit crunch at the end of 2008.

Seasonally adjusted average daily output in manufacturing industry

Seasonally adjusted average daily output in manufacturing industry

For more information on economic indicators, the reader is referred to the Economic Monitor.