More than 500 businesses bankrupt in August
In August, 507 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) in the Netherlands were declared bankrupt, i.e. nearly 220 fewer than in July. With 723, the number of bankruptcies in July was the highest recorded in decades. The number of bankruptcies in August 2012 was approximately the same as in August 2011.
As the number of businesses declared bankrupt in a particular month is closely related to the number of days courts are in session, it may vary considerably from month to month. Therefore, the three-month moving average is a more reliable indicator. The three-month moving average stood at 609 in August versus 667 in July.
In the first eight months of 2012, nearly 5 thousand businesses and institutions went bankrupt, i.e a quarter more than in the same period of 2011.
Bankruptcies of businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses)
More figures can be found in dossier Business cycle.