Unemployment further up

  • 6.3 percent unemployed in June
  • Upward trend unemployment since June last year
  • 291 thousand unemployment benefits in June
  • Growth unemployment benefits more than 38 thousand over the past year

According to the most recent figures released by Statistics Netherlands, unemployment adjusted for seasonal variation stood at 495 thousand in June 2012, an increase by 6 thousand relative to the previous month.

Figures published by the Institute for Implementation of Employees’ Insurances (UWV) show that the number of unemployment (WW) benefits in June 2012 was the same as in May (291 thousand).

Upward trend unemployment since June 2011

The unemployment rate has risen continually over the past twelve months. In June last year, 5 percent of the labour force were unemployed. Since then, the rate has risen to 6.3 percent in June 2012.

Youth unemployment has increased considerably in the past twelve months from 9.3 to 12.2 percent. The relative increase was less dramatic among over-25s. The same applies to 45 to 65-year-olds.

Unemployment among both genders has risen at approximately the same rate since June 2011. In June this year, 6.2 percent of men and 6.4 percent of women were unemployed.

Substantial growth youth unemployment relative to last year

With 291 thousand, the number of current unemployment benefits remained approximately the same in June as in May, but has risen by more than 15 percent relative to one year ago. The number of WW benefits granted to young people under the age of 25 was 11 thousand in June 2011, i.e. 5 percent down from May, but nearly 50 percent up from one year previously. There were also considerable differences between the various Dutch regions. The number of unemployment benefits in the province of Limburg, for example, grew by 9 percent compared to one year ago. The provinces of Zeeland and Overijssel each accounted for a 21 percent growth.

Considerable increase WW benefits in construction sector

The number of WW benefits in the construction sector was 14 thousand in June 2012, a 46 percent increase from twelve months ago. The increase was modest in the sectors public administration and manufacturing industry.

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