Just over one in three workers do company training

In 2010 36 percent of private sector employees went on a company course. Employers spent 1.6 billion euro on company training, this is 435 euro on average per employee.
Higher participation in larger companies
In large companies 41 percent of employees did a course or some form of training. At companies employing fewer than 100 workers this was 29 percent. Relatively more men than women participate in courses. In small companies the percentage of men and women hardly differ, but in large and medium-size companies the difference is 7 percent points.
The share of employees who went on a company course in 2010 was slightly higher at 36 percent than in 2005, when it was 34 percent.
Participation in company courses, 2010
Large differences in participation and spending between sectors
Participation in company training differs substantially between sectors of industry. Energy, water and waste management top the list, with a participation rate of 62 percent in 2010. In the hotel and restaurant sector only one in four employees do a company course.
Companies in the energy, water and waste management industry also pay most on training per employee: nearly 1,200 euro. The lowest amount per employee is paid in the hotel and restaurant sector (70 euro). Large companies spend twice as much as small companies per employee on company training.
Total spending on company courses and training amounts to more than 1.6 billion euro. This accounts for around 1 percent of total labour costs. In 2005 this was still 1,5 percent of labour costs.
Spending per employee on company courses and training, 2010
Jack Claessen and Jeroen Nieuweboer